How balanced are you?
Did you know that during the vernal equinox when there are equal amounts of day and night, an egg can stand on its vertical access?
It’s true!
But not everyone can do it. Do you want to know why? If you are not in balance/harmony, and your energy isn’t in flow, the egg will not balance on end for you.
But don’t despair, you can do it. Settle yourself down. Take some deep breaths. Breathe in for six seconds, hold for six seconds, breathe out for six seconds, and hold for six seconds; do this four or five times. Imagine yourself balanced and calm. Tune into the energies of the special day of the vernal equinox when there is a perfect balance between night and day. Can you become that consciousness? Use this challenge of balancing an egg to balance your mind, body, and soul.

Many skeptics out there don’t believe there is any relationship between the spring equinox and balancing an egg on its vertical axis. Maybe they are correct, maybe they aren’t.
What I believe is, we can do anything we put our mind to. Our mind is our brain in action. Our thoughts create frequencies. If we tune into the thoughts of harmony and balance, use breathwork to connect to that feeling, and then bring that balanced energy to your egg, your egg will balance for you.
Give it a try! Share photos! Share your experience.
By the way, it took me several tries and rounds of breathwork to balance my egg, which tells me, that I, like most of us, am a work in progress!
Here's to always seeking balance, harmony, and love!
